The Boerne Sunrise Rotary Club held its first ever car show hosted by Hector Mata of Mata’s Concepts in Boerne and was organized by rotary club member Rick Reyes. Over 300 people attended the event throughout the day. 
Just under a 100 cars, trucks, and motorcycles were showcased with roughly 70 cars entered in the show. Certified judges evaluated the cars in certain categories and thirty trophies were presented to the winners by Club President Bryce Karulak. There was a DJ throughout the day, a live band, several vendors, and a performance by the Thomas Jefferson H.S. Dance Team.
The Boerne Sunrise Rotary Club members received support from Mata’s Concepts employees, Boerne High School Interact Club, Winston Interact Club, Boy Scout Troop 102, and Cub Scout Pack 102.
The net proceeds raised will go various local charitable causes including high school scholarships for students in Kendall County.
A unique feature on each trophy displayed the Rotary Wheel Emblem and the name of the Boerne Sunrise Rotary Club as sponsor.