As we start the 2024-2025 Rotary year I would like to thank Immediate Past District Governor Monica for all of her hard work. She has put the District in a strong position to move forward and succeed. The start of a new Rotary year is a moment of anticipation and magic. It marks the beginning of fresh initiatives and renewed commitments to service above self.
Each Rotarian steps forward, ready to weave their individual efforts into the larger tapestry of positive change. The Magic of Rotary lies in its ability to unite diverse minds and hearts toward a common goal: making the world a better place. This collective influence ignites a ripple effect of transformation, reaching far beyond immediate communities to touch lives globally. As we embark on this journey, we are reminded that every act of kindness, no matter how small, contributes to the grand narrative of Rotary. Let’s use The Magic of Rotary to share our stories of service with everyone we know and Influence  Change throughout our communities and the world.