What was your most memorable Rotary service project? The first project I was involved in was Snack Packs For Kids at Cambridge. It opened my eyes to the amount of children that can go hungry even in an affluent community. This tore at my heart, from packing the bags to delivering them in the mornings! 
What part of your cultural heritage are you most proud of?
My cultural heritage is Texan. I love being a Texan, and since living in San Antonio I have grown to love the Hispanic heritage/culture. I have been blown away by everything San Antonio has opened my eyes to. With that being said, I am a proud Texan that is loving the Hispanic culture of my city. 
What was the most important professional decision you made?
In September of 2013 I came to San Antonio to celebrate my father's 60th birthday, and I never left. I was a Realtor in my hometown, which is very small, and I was ready to explore how being a Realtor in a big market would be. I made the move and have treated my clients with my small town values in a big city.