On August 15 the Rotary Club of Blanco County and the District 5840 Combat Human Trafficking Rotary Club hosted a presentation on human trafficking and child sex trafficking in order to educate the community of Blanco.
Susan Burkholder, a member of the Combat Human Trafficking Rotary Club and a volunteer with Ransomed Life, was the presenter. She shared valuable information and staggering statistics that every business owner, parent, teacher and citizen should know. Ms. Burkholder stressed the importance of being aware and to report ANYTHING that looks suspicious to local law enforcement AND the Human Trafficking Hotline 888-3737-888. She recommends putting the phone numbers in your cell phone. Predators have been apprehended and jailed by those who felt that something wasn’t “quite right”. If you see something say something! To access videos and information go to www.ransomedlifetexas.org and the Combat Human Trafficking Rotary Club website at www.chtrotary5840.org Pictured left to right: Sandy Switzer, Candy Cargill, Tracy Barr, Susan Burkholder, Jan Brieger, Chip Slade, Libbey Aly.